Previously, we have been talking about thinking about your future, as well as mentioning to you all of an activity that I have done before at school of how I can envision myself in 10 years. Continuing with this idea, in this post, I would like to share with you a concern that I believe that a lot of high schoolers are having, which is to find your passion.
Before starting this though, I would like to assure you that it is completely fine if you have found your passion by the time you get into high school. After all, high school is a time for discovering your abilities and your interests, and you have plenty of time until you actually have to get a job, hence this is a perfect time where you can start exploring what you want to do and who you want to be.
Similar to the post where we start exploring our future, today, we are going to do a small activity. Right now, please take out a sheet of paper as well as a writing utensil, because we are going to do some writing! Alright, got these materials? Let’s start this right now!
First of all, at the top of the page, list out everything that you like. Please be true to yourself here - don’t care about the financial aspect yet, but just like the things that you truly want to do and you believe can stick to it for long without getting bored. For example, when I do this example, I really like to bake cakes, hence although it may be a job that doesn’t generate a lot of income for the majority of people, I will still add that in as part of the things that I like to do. Remember that this can be anything! If you want to do some sports, put it on the list! Do you like to sing or act? Put it on the list. No one will have to read this, so basically jot down everything that you like. Spend 10 minutes just listing them down - you can listen to some music at the same time!
Alright, have you finished your work? Great! Now, on the same page but at a different place, name out things that you are good at. This doesn’t necessarily have to be things that you are very fond of, but just things that you have the ability to do well. For example, a person may not like to study Math, but then they are extremely good at it, so just put that in already! By now, some people may question me: “But what if I am not good at anything?” Well, that is actually not true! In this life, you at least have to be gifted with something - I swear. You may be a little bit confused, I know, but just think deeply about this. When I say things that you are “good at”, I am not only talking about academics or sports, but basically anything! If you are good at cleaning dishes, add that in! If you feel like you can run for hours without feeling tired, that is a good thing! And even if you think you can eat a lot, try to add that in also! Oh, and I can’t forget this - if you are always online, you are surely pretty good at making edits, like those of celebrities posted on Tiktok! Remember, society has progressed a lot now, meaning that you can pursue any job, even if that job may sound weird - feel free to do some research online: some people are doing things that we may never think possible! Try to list out at least 5 things that you are good at - again, it doesn’t necessarily have to be Science or Math or Soccer - please don’t limit yourself when jotting down ideas for this part!
Finished? Okay, great! Now, it comes to the most important part of this activity: try to find things that overlap with one another - meaning, in the 2 lists you have just made, find things that appear in both sections: things you are actually interested in plus things that you are good at. Originally, this activity will consist of a third list: things society wants. But I believe that as long as you are good at something and you are passionate about it, you can generate good incomes even when that is something that the majority of people are following. And for the things that appear on both lists, start exploring them! There are a lot of resources online when it comes to career paths, so feel free to do a search online!
Finally, if you are still unsure about your future and career path, it’s completely okay! Remember, high school is a time for exploring your interests, hence you don’t have to limit yourself with certain things! The best way to explore interests for me is to join different clubs at school - never feel yourself as having to be restrained to anything, because after all, the decision now of yours will have a huge impact towards your future: choose it wisely! If you have other questions about this, feel free to contact me - there is a form at the bottom of this website: I will always be here to answer your concerns!