Welcome to “High Schooler tells High Schoolers” (the shortened form is HS tells HSs)! My name is Le Viet Bach (Vietnamese: Lê Viết Bách), and I am currently a sophomore at the DGS program of the Dewey Schools. Well, if I just write everything this way, this may sound a little bit boring, right? Therefore, let’s turn this boring long post into a Q&A section! Through this Q&A section, hopefully you guys will be able to get to know me better, as well as why I have decided to create this website!
Question: What makes you qualified to create “High Schooler tells High Schoolers”?
Answer: This is actually a very interesting question. At my school, I am the founder as well as president of Psychology Club, and my role as well as vision of the club overalls is to enhance mental well-being in my school community. Therefore, I have done a lot of activities in the school regarding this “mission”, as well as having done deep research regarding different issues that teenagers are facing - which can be applied in this website! Along with that, I am a high schooler myself, with information in this website gathered from both my experience and what I have learned from my friends at school, so I am very confident in my ability to talk about these high-school-related issues.
Question: Why did you decide to create this self-help website?
Answer: The reason for the creation of “High Schooler tells High Schoolers” actually comes from my real-life experience with different issues in high school. Whenever I have problems in my school or at home, I usually go online and search for different articles in the hope of finding valuable information in order to guide me with my life. While many of these websites exist, they often give very broad advice that doesn't apply very well to me (for example, how to make the first move on someone who doesn't really fit in the mold depicted by different resources online?) I want a place where advice is more personal and actually helpful, not just different advice that everyone has already known. From the experience of being a high schooler myself, I want to create that kind of “close-bonded” environment, where I trust you and you all trust me, and that you can actually learn from it.
Question: Will you ever stop posting?
Answer: Well, that’s for sure! But the actual question here is. when? I know that as high schoolers, we face tons of different problems, hence I am going to think of as many issues as possible and try to give the best advice to the best of my ability. And when I think that there are no longer any issues that I can think of, I will probably end there.
Question: What do you hope people can gain from reading your posts?
Answer: Well, as I have said before, the most important thing that I want you to be able to gain from reading these is that through the advice that I am giving, you will be able to navigate your life better! I know that there are many issues that a typical teen can face (peer pressure, preparing for college, bullying, bad grades, etc.), and hopefully, through this self-help website, you will be able to make better decisions in life, and survive high school!
If there are any questions that you want to be answered, feel free to reach out to me in the form attached to this website (at the bottom of the page). For now, I hope that you have a very nice day, and see you soon!