The guest writer coming to us today is Nguyen Vu Nam Phong (Phong Nguyen), who is currently a middle schooler in Hanoi. As elementary students come to middle school (which also overlaps with the time you hit puberty and become a teen), it can be a very overwhelming experience. As someone who previously started middle school, today Phong would like to talk about his experience, and some of his advice to incoming middle schoolers. For some notes, some of the content may be specifically relevant to his school (the school I go to), but overall, you should be able to take something from this too!
One of the first things to tackle is getting familiar with the new
environment. Learning the layout of the school, finding your classrooms, and locating important areas like the cafeteria and library are crucial steps. Try memorizing your class schedule. It’s helpful as moving between different rooms for various subjects is a new concept for many students. Getting to know the physical layout of the school helps ease navigating a new, larger environment. Familiarity with where things are located can make the transition smoother and brings less need to ask people you’re not familiar with yet.
Making friends and building relationships is another way to survive the first few weeks. Joining clubs or sports teams can be a great way to meet people with similar interests. If you aren’t sporty like me, join the extracurricular activities provided by DGS (like Psychology Club, trust me).
If you can, try to maintain friendships from elementary school while being open to new connections. Your old friends can open you up to their friend groups, or just simply bring a scene of continuity.
Academically, middle school presents new challenges. Developing good study habits and staying organized become more important than ever. Using a planner to keep track of assignments and test dates can be incredibly helpful. A planner helps in managing time effectively and ensures that no important tasks are overlooked. It is also crucial to learn how to prioritize tasks and manage your time effectively. Time management skills developed during middle school will also be beneficial, as long as you follow it (yes, I do learn from my mistakes).
Middle school is also a time to explore different subjects and discover your interests. The curriculum, specifically in DGS, is more diverse, allowing you to take elective clubs that can spark new passions. Using these opportunities can lead to a more enjoyable school experience. Remember, it is okay to ask for help when needed. Teachers, counselors, and even older students can be great resources. They can provide guidance, support, and valuable advice based on their own experiences. Yes, they do more than just giving out homework and passive-aggressively starting fights.
✨Tips for K6: Surviving DGS (please do not apply this to other school) ✨
● Be friends with the teachers, and never be afraid to have small talk
with them.
● Start a friendship group!
● Please Please Please do not forget any of your textbooks in your
● Stand away from the laptops, including break time and after-lunch.
● Be creative, it’s welcomed!
● Add memes literally everywhere, unless it's instructed not to do so.
● Write and contribute to the PIONEER magazine.
● Read lots and lots of books, and ask your classmates for
● Embrace your advisory’s mascot (POV Coral Advisory)
● Talk with the librarian after lunch! (RIP Ms. Nancy, you will be
Middle school might seem daunting at first, but with a positive attitude and some effort, it can be a great experience that prepares you for the challenges ahead. It's like stepping into a whole new world where everything you thought you knew gets turned upside down. One day you are ruling the roost in elementary school, and the next, you are at the bottom of the food chain again. This can be a humbling experience, but it is also an opportunity to grow and adapt.
BONUS from Anshisha from Thailand: Hi everyone! I’m a high school student, currently doing my last year of high school. I’d like to share some experiences I’ve had throughout high school.
When I started my highschool journey, all the people around me had advised me to use active recall methods and always revise what I’ve been doing at school. At first, I did follow their advice up until the point where I was really exhausted and had no time for my hobbies. I then ditched the study schedule and just went with the flow. In the end, everything turned out great! I got the grades I wanted and I was really happy.
I just wanted to remind everybody that it’s okay to go through alternative pathways in life to find what makes you feel the best. You only live once and this is the best time of your life when you can go adventuring with your friends or go watch a movie alone to boost self love. It is always okay to do what your heart desires. If something wrong happens, there is always a solution to the problem so LIVE YOUR LIFE!!