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Emotional Intelligence

Writer's picture: Bach LeBach Le

Today, I would like to talk about something that I believe is very important and that everybody should know how to practice and enhance it, and it is the idea of emotional intelligence. According to Mental Health America, emotional intelligence is defined as the ability to manage both your own emotions and understand the emotions of people around you. Essentially, you are capable of controlling your feelings, your emotions, and your actions, but you can also understand what others are feeling, what others need, and what other people think of you.

To enhance the idea of emotional intelligence is very important because it can serve a lot of benefits for you and the people around you. First of all, by gaining emotional intelligence, you are able to understand yourself more about what feelings you have, what you are thinking right now, and what you think about certain stuff or certain people. And through understanding yourself more, you will be able to do stuff that better suits your needs and desires. Additionally, when you're able to control your feelings and to manage them appropriately, you will be able to prevent impulsive behavior - essentially, behaviors that are not wanted.

Additionally, talking about the benefits of gaining emotional intelligence to the people around you, by understanding the other people, their behaviors, their mindsets, their feelings, they will be able to appreciate your relationship more, which means that you will be able to build a stronger relationship with people around you, which can really benefit you in the long run. When you understand the feelings of others, they feel that they are being heard and that you are capable of working well, of collaborating well with them. Therefore, they go along with you. Consequently, you will be trusted by your peers because they believe that you are able to satisfy their needs and that you are able to manage the relationship well.

That is why today, we will discuss some certain aspects that I believe are very important towards enhancing emotional intelligence. I hope that through this post, you can understand more about emotional intelligence, what aspects does that term include, and how can you teach yourself, how can you train yourself in order to be better when it comes to emotional intelligence.

The first aspect of emotional intelligence is empathy, and essentially, if you want to enhance emotional intelligence, you must be able to gain empathy towards the people around you. Essentially, empathy here means that you understand them, that you put yourself in other people's boots, and that you are capable of understanding what those people need, and whether they want a space or they want to talk to you or whatever their desires are. Empathy can be demonstrated very easily, actually. For example, when a person is facing hardship or they are facing very bad stuff, instead of trying to laugh at them or instead of trying to annoy them, please try to understand, live a little bit, and try to do something that can make them better by sitting with them and talk with them and trying to understand more deeply about their problem. Through showing empathy towards other people, these people will feel that they are not alone, that you are always going to be here for them, and that whatever happens, you will be listening and that you will understand what the other feels, which can be very great towards enhancing the relationship between those two people.

The next tip is going to be communication. The idea of communication here is that whenever you're talking with someone, please treat them with respect, please listen to them, practice active listening, and try to understand their perspective instead of trying to always think that you are the only right person. Through communication, these people will feel that they are being heard and that you are appreciating their perspective and their needs. Therefore, these people will love you much more.

Finally, the third aspect is self-awareness. Essentially, it means that you should be reflecting on your own emotions and your actions. You must understand your own feelings, you must understand what you feel and need before you are able to even take care of other people. By understanding your emotions and your feelings, you can better understand your strengths and also your weaknesses, so that you can better improve yourself into a better person. Another aspect of self-awareness is to listen to the feedback of other people. There's something that you may not know, but others can help you to know, so that you can grow yourself as a person. So, please always appreciate those perspectives and advice.

I wish you the best at enhancing your emotional intelligence, and with that, I will see you in the next post.

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